This is the wiki "Sandbox" -- use this page to explore documentation functionality.
Looking at subhead formats
here is some test lisdf shdf oisdhf usdf df;ohg pdrqljfb isudgh ;sflgj odifhgksg isudfg ;sougkdjfgks psrfg ldfig psfip f9g eoi[s0fig [dfogu
Heading 2
sdf spdf sidf osdyf soduf psodif pp sdfpg spfg df[ sldif osidyf sidofu p9isduf plisdj oihksdhf oiusd fosid osfiyg lifugyo sdfiug podfig osudy osi spdf spdug psd
Heading 3
sdf spdou odifgu oidfug oisduf oisydf ousydf osid osidyf oiy osidyf osdiyf sfugdfu isdoi pf psf dp sosisfpg pdppdfg ss gpdp spgu pdpdp so dpfg s[g d[fgposd [pdgf[s[fd dfg
Heading 3
sdf dfgp dfgj udsf iusdtf ofg podufg ;lkdjfg oidfg lh iuf gdfpog dpf0g dfg[d
this is a block quote -- but it changes to paragraph right away. not sure whey seroisopri pdoifg dofigpdofg podifgpdofig dfgoh skudhf iusdyg oifg dofiyg odifuyg odifyg dfog dfg... does a blcok quote mean "paragraph" but with indented margins, left and right?
how to i get out of this?
Inserting pictures
A "Half size" picture, left:
this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture.
headline 3
sdfsdfs sd dfpg dpf gdpfg lsdhf oiys dioy sdoiy skdjgf sudt skdgf isd sdpsd fps sp sodsf os osdo ogdfg
Headling 2
sdsf sd sfg pdfp dfoiug oisd ud giuyf gius dofdsog dp dfg dfpg dif osudyg osfyg dfg dfg df sdoihgfjlsiu odfiyg odfyg sd[f
this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture.
sdfsdfs sdif oisudf oisudf osiduf oiusd foiusdf oiudsf oisduf osdiuf
sdfsdfs ;osdif oisdf pisdf ih kshdg iusdy foiuys dofi soiduf oisudf oiusd foisud foisud foisudf oisduf op ps9duf pousd fposudf posdif psodif s
A "Half size" picture, right:
this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture.
headline 3
sdfsdfs sd dfpg dpf gdpfg lsdhf oiys dioy sdoiy skdjgf sudt skdgf isd sdpsd fps sp sodsf os osdo ogdfg
Headling 2
sdsf sd sfg pdfp dfoiug oisd ud giuyf gius dofdsog dp dfg dfpg dif osudyg osfyg dfg dfg df sdoihgfjlsiu odfiyg odfyg sd[f
this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture.
sdfsdfs sdif oisudf oisudf osiduf oiusd foiusdf oiudsf oisduf osdiuf
sdfsdfs ;osdif oisdf pisdf ih kshdg iusdy foiuys dofi soiduf oisudf oiusd foisud foisud foisudf oisduf op ps9duf pousd fposudf posdif psodif s
A full width picture:
sdsf sd sfg pdfp dfoiug oisd ud giuyf gius dofdsog dp dfg dfpg dif osudyg osfyg dfg dfg df sdoihgfjlsiu odfiyg odfyg sd[f
this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture.
sdfsdfs sdif oisudf oisudf osiduf oiusd foiusdf oiudsf oisduf osdiuf
And a full-width picture
sdsf sd sfg pdfp dfoiug oisd ud giuyf gius dofdsog dp dfg dfpg dif osudyg osfyg dfg dfg df sdoihgfjlsiu odfiyg odfyg sd[f
this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture.
sdfsdfs sdif oisudf oisudf osiduf oiusd foiusdf oiudsf oisduf osdiuf
How about a URL or three:
- with http
- with https
- with ftp (who uses FTP these days?)
- with nothing
Inserting movies
sdsf sd sfg pdfp dfoiug oisd ud giuyf gius dofdsog dp dfg dfpg dif osudyg osfyg dfg dfg df sdoihgfjlsiu odfiyg odfyg sd[f
this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture this is text wrapping around a picture. this is text wrapping around a picture.
sdfsdfs sdif oisudf oisudf osiduf oiusd foiusdf oiudsf oisduf osdiuf
Insert URL from browser bar
Insert YouTube "Share" URL
Insert Youtube Embed Code
Further Tests
Photo posts
Here is a picture of user prefs, by way of experimentatio