Non-CE account

Nicholas Goss ID: 57 Posts: 41
02 Jan 2013 02:29 AM

I was wondering if I had a CE account for malariacontrol or not, I thought i did but my point totals don't match up. Under account on the engine it says Nicholas and not a ce1234 account. This makes me think I'm not on a CE account, but I can't find anywhere on how to fix this.

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
07 Jan 2013 05:37 PM

Hi Nicholas,

You do have a CE account for MalariaControl, but it has not been active for about 3 weeks. If you have a separate BOINC account at that project, both will not run on the same client, so maybe the BOINC account is running and generating points and the CE account is not.

If you look at the project list on your client, it should denote which account a project is using.

Nicholas Goss ID: 57 Posts: 41
07 Jan 2013 05:47 PM

It shows the account as Nicholas which I believe is a BOINC account. However, I tried to drop the project so that CE could automatically regrab a ce account, but it's greyed out. I was able to log into the CE account on malariacontrol and I think I might have changed a setting that is making it not count now.

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
07 Jan 2013 06:33 PM

If it's greyed out, it very well could be your CE account, as that would be the case when an account manager is handling a given project. 

I'm not sure if you can revert the setting that you changed to get it working again or not. It is possible to log into your CE account directly at a project (as you discovered), but we can't really support this, as changes there can break any number of things.

Nicholas Goss ID: 57 Posts: 41
07 Jan 2013 09:32 PM

what would be the best way to revert the changes?

Nicholas Goss ID: 57 Posts: 41
07 Jan 2013 09:38 PM

I detached from charity engine and then reattached to the account manager and it appears as though it has set me up with the default malariacontrol account. However, it detached from rosettastone which it previously had been tracking on a CE account.

Jonathan Brier ID: 159 Posts: 112
08 Jan 2013 05:51 AM

Hi Nicholas,

By default malariacontrol account do you mean the one with user Nicholas or the CE numbered account? The expected would be CE numbered account.

The rosetta@home project was removed from Charity Engine a few months ago due to some work units not properly exiting among a few other non ideal behaviors for working without bothering a user.  Reattaching or resyncing to CE should have removed rosetta@home from your install if it was attached via CE.

Nicholas Goss ID: 57 Posts: 41
08 Jan 2013 03:23 PM

Yes by default malariacontrol accountI ment my CE numbered account. several work units should have been sent in by Nickdesktop computer account. I don't know if you can look up by account, but if you could check to make sure they showed up that would be much appriciated.

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
08 Jan 2013 06:20 PM

I can see that Nickdesktop has had some activity with einstein@home, but can't tell with malaria yet. Any change in your points on CE? (may take a day for stats to process)

Nicholas Goss ID: 57 Posts: 41
08 Jan 2013 09:48 PM

Yes. it says 4300 points for malariacontrol.

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
09 Jan 2013 04:12 PM

Ok, do your numbers on your CE dashboard / more stats page look right now? 

Nicholas Goss ID: 57 Posts: 41
09 Jan 2013 06:11 PM

Yes they look much more accurate now.