Show Graphics

SAIYED M. HUSAIN ID: 2252 Posts: 3
07 Jul 2014 12:08 PM

How to enable the charity engine to show graphics?

Matt ID: 44 Posts: 303
17 Jul 2014 06:01 PM

Hi.  Thanks for your note.  Sorry to say, none of the projects running through Charity Engine have screensaver graphics -- These are expensive to develop, cause issues for some users, and often consume as much of 10% of the available computing power.  

SAIYED M. HUSAIN ID: 2252 Posts: 3
18 Jul 2014 06:30 AM

Hi Matt,

Thanks for your reply and clarification and the reasonings for not enabling the graphics. However,in the past, this option of "Show Graphics" was available and the if one clicks the same the Graphics comes on the screen.  So it means that the Graphics has already been Developed. So why not include it again and let the individuals decide whether to run the Graphics or not.

I very much look forward to see the Graphics back.


Thanks again.

Matt ID: 44 Posts: 303
18 Jul 2014 02:49 PM

Sorry, I guess I should clarify a few things -- 

  • The ability to "show graphics" is a function of the desktop software.  This ability is still present.  So-- when graphics are available-- they can be shown [1] via the CE screesaver; and [2] via the "show graphics" button in the "advanced view" of the desktop software, under the "tasks" tab, I think.
  • But: graphics applications must be developed for each research project.  a few of the public research projects we've supported in the past have had graphics applications.  I think none of the current projects do, however.  
  • The only available graphic at present is the generic "Charity Engine" screensaver, which shows the CE logo and task progress.  This is no longer activated by default, but it should be listed in your control panel as an available screensaver if you wish to use it.