No tasks received at all

Timse ID: 637425 Posts: 13
17 Oct 2014 05:07 PM


I joined Charityengine, started BOINC client, connected with my account, but I get no tasks at all. I am using BOINC 7.2.42, and Ubuntu 14.04.

I see an entry for the project, and says work done 0,00, Avg. work done 0,00.

If I join Worl Community Grid, I get tasks without problem, and BOINC works flawlessly in that case. I deleted this entry though, just to analyze why I don't get tasks from Charity Engine...

Thank you for your help.

Jo1252 ID: 1311 Posts: 81
17 Oct 2014 10:08 PM

If you open the project tab, what are the projects listed there?

Do you have malariacontrol, rosetta@home, einstein@home, climate prediction, primegrid or anything else ?

I think that if you only have charityengine as project, there is now Work for Linux.

Usually there are other projects added simultaneously.

Also make sure you didn't hit the "no new work" button

Timse ID: 637425 Posts: 13
28 Oct 2014 07:38 PM

Thanks for the answer. I have been observing BOINC during this time before posting again.

Under the projects tab I have:  GridOctane and rosetta@home

If I syncronize with charity engine (under tools), charity engine sets rosetta@home to not receive any work, and GridOctane simply downloads nothing. So my tasks tab remains empty. If I manually resume rosetta@home, then I get tasks from rosetta.

I have been running charity engine for around a week, and my personal total points remain empty.

Is it working properly?

Thank you.

Jo1252 ID: 1311 Posts: 81
28 Oct 2014 10:12 PM

I would like you to try detaching from the project manager, charityengine.

detach from all projects.(Rosetta and gridoctane)

attach to the project manager charityengine again with a clean boinc.

report any progress. I'll do my best to help you.

Timse ID: 637425 Posts: 13
28 Oct 2014 10:28 PM

I did as you suggested (detach from everything, reconnect to Charity Engine), and immediately I got same projects as before: GridOctane and rosetta@home.

GridOctane doesn't get any tasks (although seems active), and rosetta gets the status flag "Won't get new tasks".

After a few "connection request deferred" messages, BOINC remains completely idle.


Matt ID: 44 Posts: 303
29 Oct 2014 03:10 PM

Hi Timse.  Our current "production" apps, CE3, CE6, and CE7 don't run on Linux at present.  And we've temporarily suspended work for Rosetta on all hosts as part of work to debug some issues arising from the interaction of our apps and Rosetta.

As a result of these two factors, most Linux hosts are not getting anything at all (No CE apps, no Rosetta); we'll update shortly to be sure you and other lInux users get Rosetta and PrimeGrid.

(GridOctane is a small app to experiment with Virtual-machine based applications: it has as yet no work)

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
29 Oct 2014 03:27 PM

Ok Timse, it should start working for you shortly. You can force a synchronize under the tools menu again to get it going right away, otherwise the changes will take effect next time BOINC checks in with the account manager.

It should now start work on Rosetta and PrimeGrid.

Timse ID: 637425 Posts: 13
29 Oct 2014 03:40 PM

I detached from everything, connected again with CE, clicked on Tools -> Synchornize with CE and I get GridOctane and rosetta@home as only projects.

rosetta@home started to download tasks and is now working.

I didn't receive PrimeGrid.

GridOctane remains idle.

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
29 Oct 2014 07:02 PM

There was an unrelated issue with Charity Engine being unable to communicate with PrimeGrid. That has been resolved, too, so you should see it on your next sync.

Timse ID: 637425 Posts: 13
30 Oct 2014 03:26 PM

Thank you. Today in the morning BOINC downloaded PrimeGrid.

I will let you know if I have any more issues.

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
30 Oct 2014 03:58 PM

Great, thanks for the update, Timse.

Timse ID: 637425 Posts: 13
18 Nov 2014 09:52 PM

Hi again!

I just wanted to ask, how much time is normal for points to appear in the account balance. I've been running Charity Engine for some weeks already, but still my balance is at zero.


Jo1252 ID: 1311 Posts: 81
19 Nov 2014 12:17 AM


It usually takes from 24-48 hours for the points to update.

Go into BOINC (Charityengine app), on the projects tab, tell us if the account name for the projects look something like "CE123456". Also, please give the list of projects running.

If you go into the Tasks tab, do you see the tasks progressing or are they all erroring ?

Timse ID: 637425 Posts: 13
22 Nov 2014 05:32 PM

I have three projects listing:  GridOctane, PrimeGrid and rosetta@home.

GridOctane and rosetta have account number similar to what you post, but PrimeGrid is empty in the "Account" field. I guess that is the reason it is not counting?

The tasks do progress, BOINC looks to be working fine.

Jo1252 ID: 1311 Posts: 81
23 Nov 2014 04:43 PM

Indeed if there is no account, points can't be counted toward Charity engine.

I'd advise you to try to restart the project. Select primegrid and restart the whole project.

If after this you don't have any account, I'd detach from the project and sync with Charityengine's project manager.

I hope this will help you.

Timse ID: 637425 Posts: 13
23 Nov 2014 05:03 PM

I did as you say, but still doesn't work. First a whole restart, and still no account. Then I detached from CharityEngine, and removed the project PrimeGrid. Reattached again to CE, and BOINC downloaded again PrimeGrid, but still doesn't show my account number. The Work done field however kept the previous value.

By the way, I'm using Ubuntu. Thanks for the help.

Matt ID: 44 Posts: 303
24 Nov 2014 09:52 PM

Hi Timse.  Were you running PrimeGrid under BOINC before joining Charity Engine? (Or had you added that project via the desktop software "add project" interface at any point?)

Timse ID: 637425 Posts: 13
24 Nov 2014 09:52 PM

Nope, never before. It downloaded for the first time when I added CE as account manager.

Jo1252 ID: 1311 Posts: 81
24 Nov 2014 09:53 PM

Let's try this then.

1. Detach from primegrid.

2. Browse into this directory : /var/lib/boinc-client/

Delete anything related to primegrid.


Go into the projects directory and delete www.primegrid folder.

Reboot your computer and resync with Charity engine.


Timse ID: 637425 Posts: 13
24 Nov 2014 10:08 PM

I did as you said, still no account number is displayed on PrimeGrid. When detaching from PrimeGrid, all files were automatically deleted, except for (which I deleted manually)

After reataching to CE, the average work was again restablished.

BTW, my installation folder is $HOME/BOINC/, not /var/lib/boinc-client, just in case.

Jo1252 ID: 1311 Posts: 81
25 Nov 2014 04:12 PM

I doubt the installation has anything to do with this issue.

I looked on the web since I don't have a linux computer at hand to verify the path myself.

Then, I'm clueless. You'll need the help of the team to solve your problem.

The account field is empty for primegrid or it is different from the normal CEXXXXXX?

Timse ID: 637425 Posts: 13
25 Nov 2014 04:15 PM

It is empty. Rosetta and GridOctane have the same CEXXXXXX though.

Thank you.

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
26 Nov 2014 09:36 PM

The empty account name is odd, but it shouldn't interfere with anything. The problem is that your cross-project ID (CPID) got mixed up. Points for your work at Rosetta, GridOctane, and PrimeGrid are being accumulated under a CPID different than the one your account is expecting.

This is not all that unusual. When an account is created at a project, it gets a unique CPID. However, all of these different CPIDs are supposed to converge over time, and that has not quite happened with yours (which is the unusual part).

I've set a flag on your account, so the next time your client syncs with Charity Engine (which you can do in the Tools menu), it should be reattached to the Charity Engine project server (the one that has the correct CPID). Your client should then update the CPID at all of the other projects, your stats at each project should be moved to that updated CPID, and then your points here on this site will reflect that!

It will probably take another 24-48 hours for all of these things to get synchronized and for stats to move to the correct CPID.

Timse ID: 637425 Posts: 13
04 Dec 2014 05:08 PM

Hi again,

Since a couple of days have passed, I let you know how it is going. Today, points are being shown in my home webpage at including the whole time I've been running the client. However, the client still doesn't show the account number from CE in the project field for PrimeGrid (it is still empty).

Let me know if you think it should be OK, or something else needs doing. Thank you.

Jo1252 ID: 1311 Posts: 81
04 Dec 2014 05:57 PM

I'm happy that you got your points.

However if you compute WUs for primegrid without any account, you might not be awarded points for the work done. I'm not really sure about this though.

Have a nice day!

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
04 Dec 2014 06:15 PM

It should be fine, Timse. Though your PrimeGrid account has no name, it is accumulating points and is tied to your CE account. 

(and I've just verified that you're in the prize draw entry list for the newly-completed jackpot period -- good luck!)

Rytis Slatkevičius ID: 195 Posts: 56
05 Dec 2014 09:17 AM

Timse, just for the sake of completeness, I updated PrimeGrid to show the same name that you have on other projects.

Timse ID: 637425 Posts: 13
05 Dec 2014 04:36 PM

Thank you, it has been fixed. The account number now appears in the project field.