Not receiving tasks and Rosetta account name not my charity engine ID

Luke Johnson ID: 645714 Posts: 1
21 May 2015 10:37 AM

Hi everyone, 

I just wnated to know if there was a problem with Ubuntu 14.04 not getting any tasks for charity engine? Ive tried reinstalling everything but nothing is coming through and ive made sure they are marked to receive tasks. 

Also when I have added Rosetta to my list of projects its not coming up with my charity engine account number. Is there something I need to do to enable this to credit me with the work?

Kind regards, 

Luke Johnson

Matt ID: 44 Posts: 303
01 Jun 2015 09:25 PM

Hi Luke,

  • There are no "Charity Engine" tasks for Linux at the moment.  But Linux users should get attached to -- and earn CE credits for -- public projects: PrimeGrid,  FiND, and Rosetta are the current recipients of compute time from our Linux volunteers.
  • About Rosetta: 
    • Did you add this project manually via the "add project" option in the desktop software (in the "advanced view" menubar)?
    • Under the "projects" tab, in the "Rosetta" row, what is reported in the "Status" column?
    • Under the "projects" tab, what other projects are listed?  And do all have the same account name?