New to CE, no work

Scalextrix ID: 646600 Posts: 13
27 Aug 2015 10:35 AM

Hi Im a long time BOINC contributor and I thought I would give CE a go.  As I have a long history I want to keep my curent CPID for other BOIC projects and just run CE WUs under he CE account.

I have attached CE as an account manager to my BOINC client 7.6.6 (x64), but im not getting any CE WUs. Have I missed a step?  There is no CE project listed on the Projects page.

Also I seem to have stopped getting new Rosetta and WCG WUs, is that pure coincidence?

Scalextrix ID: 646600 Posts: 13
27 Aug 2015 03:44 PM

Rosteea and WCG WUs are back, was just coincidence

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
27 Aug 2015 04:11 PM

Ok, good to hear those other projects are still working as expected; CE certainly should not affect them. As for the CE project itself, you may want to try going to Tools -> Synchronize with Charity Engine... to see if that helps (it would eventually do this on its own, manually syncing just bypasses the waiting).

You haven't missed anything and should expect to see CE in your project list with your CE account as the user. So if syncing doesn't knock it loose, we can dig in a bit further.

Scalextrix ID: 646600 Posts: 13
27 Aug 2015 06:04 PM

Thanks, I already tried syncing as you described, I used another manager before.

There is nothing weird in the event log, it says:
27/08/2015 19:03:59 |  | Fetching configuration file from
27/08/2015 19:04:03 |  | Contacting account manager at
27/08/2015 19:04:06 |  | Account manager contact succeeded

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
27 Aug 2015 08:05 PM

Ah, this one was entirely on our end. The create account request being made to the CE project server was being blocked. A little security tweak seems to have fixed it. If you try one more sync, that should get things moving for you.

Scalextrix ID: 646600 Posts: 13
28 Aug 2015 08:25 AM

OK I have the CE project in my Projects list now thanks.  The first CUDA WU failed to download, but I seem to have had a CPU WU now though it seems to state its using 0.0001% and has no expected completion time, its that normal?

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
28 Aug 2015 03:19 PM

Yes, that is completely normal for the ce11 application.

Scalextrix ID: 646600 Posts: 13
29 Aug 2015 12:04 PM

the ce11 WU are not completing and Im not getting any credit, can you tell why thats happening?

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
31 Aug 2015 07:00 PM

This particular app runs while doing work and while waiting for work. In a sense it never really completes, as it's more like a wrapper for processing very small jobs. Once some of these small jobs begin coming in, you should start getting credit (it will probably increase gradually over the coming weeks or month).