What are your whitelisted BOINC projects

Scalextrix ID: 646600 Posts: 13
29 Aug 2015 06:59 AM

Hi I use Gridcoin and Im trying to decide what projects to move over to CE, but I dont find a whitelist of your supported BOINC projects, please add that to the wiki.

Scalextrix ID: 646600 Posts: 13
30 Aug 2015 04:37 PM

As this seems unclear and CE has no WU of its own right now Im staying with Gridcoin to get payback for my BOINC contribution.

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
31 Aug 2015 07:09 PM

Currently you may be attached to Rosetta, PrimeGrid, or FiND@home. Which specific projects are attached often depends on what CE work your system is qualified to do, and we do change these projects from time to time, so there is no set whitelist of BOINC projects.

If you want, try detaching any of those listed and see if CE attaches them back under its own account.

bjm ID: 709571 Posts: 4
19 Jan 2016 09:25 PM

Hi CE'ers, it's a happy new year; are there any new boinc projects we can crunch for you?

FiND is on indefinite sabbatical according to Ben on their website: "So the project is going to be in stand by mode until I chose to activate it again. 21 Nov 2015, 1:53:46 UTC" with an update "If the website stop working suddenly it's because I'm moving the database to a new server. But I've no idea when. :) 13 Jan 2016, 13:21:46 UTC."

So that leaves PrimeGrid and Rosetta and of course CEproject which has minimal impact on CPUs.  I agree with Scalextrix that listing your current crunching projects should be a required part of the wiki or even it's own section "Current Projects" in the Community or About-How It Works Menus. We crunchers can boinc them both/all or pick & choose if so inclined, but it would be REALLY nice to know in an honest, upfront, transparent and timely manner what projects you're using for adding up points.

bjm ID: 709571 Posts: 4
19 Jan 2016 09:32 PM

p.s. 10 Dec 2015 04:51 PM Tristan Olive mentioned "only the "official" projects currently active and maintained automatically by Charity Engine can earn credits toward the prize drawing." in http://www.charityengine.com/forum/show-topic/1387

Please find a way we can easily know what your "official" projects are!


Scalextrix ID: 646600 Posts: 13
20 Jan 2016 12:04 AM

Its crazy no-one answered this post for so long, thats why I left CE.  Come on over to Gridcoin where there is always a friend to help.

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
20 Jan 2016 01:54 AM

bjm -- you can identify the "official" projects in your client as they are the ones tied to your Charity Engine account. You are free to manage projects manually if you want in order to support a different project than those automatically assigned to your account. We've supported many users who have wanted to do this in the past. However, it makes little sense for it to be actively documented as it goes against our operating model.

Scalextrix -- I understand that Charity Engine doesn't do what you want it to do, but please refrain from posting to our Help forum unless you are seeking help or trying to help someone else. Your original post was answered back in August when you made it. If you need further assistance, just ask.

Mark McA ID: 179 Posts: 228
20 Jan 2016 04:35 PM

Hey guys,

Just to second what Tristan said; whole point of CE is that it runs commercial tasks which generate revenues for the charities and prize draws. It's not a regular BOINC manager.

The vast majority (99%+) of our users do not have existing BOINC accounts and are unlikely to even know what BOINC is. That's not why they joined CE.

Yes, you will see existing BOINC projects running, such as Rosetta, Einstein and Africa, to which we donate any unsold capacity. But these are not the main event and will change regularly - especially if one starts causing problems, which is not unheard of (eg. any such whitelist would change constantly). BOINC users tolerate the occasional glitch, but CE users absolutely do not.

We are delighted to contribute to existing BOINC projects, of course. It's just not the reason CE exists.

Hope that clarifies things!

