"Syncing" projects to/with Charity Engine

DocH ID: 526372 Posts: 77
10 Dec 2015 08:37 AM

This question may have been addressed before in another post, but I thought I would make sure, so to speak...
I uninstalled the "Charity Engine "Proper (32bit) and installed (Re-installed) BOINC 64 bit.
I now see 2 Projects listed with My CE# (The "Main" CE and Rosetta @ home.)
When I added FiND@home and Citizen Science and MalariaControl I noticed they are listed under my Old BOINC ID, DocH.
Do I receive credits towards the prize if I "Sync" them using the
"Synchronize with Charity Engine" command listed under the "Tools" menu
column on the Boinc Manager?
Again, I apologize if this has been discussed in a prior posting.

And is 63% of CPU Use time the best balance between work progress and power usage?

Thanks, Ed

PS: Please pardon the glaring spelling error in the title of this post!


Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
10 Dec 2015 04:51 PM

Hi, Ed -- You are of course free and able to add projects manually, but only the "official" projects currently active and maintained automatically by Charity Engine can earn credits toward the prize drawing.

PS: "Semi-autocorrect" has taken care of the title!

Matt ID: 44 Posts: 303
10 Dec 2015 07:39 PM

Btw, Ed: running a 64bit client won't speed things up much.  The science and customer apps that do the computing work come in 64 and 32 bit flavors (E.g. CE11, Rosetta, etc); and your machine will get the appropriate version automatically.


Yes, the CPU setting is energy efficient.  You can revise this in your client settings (*doing so will result in more runtime -- and more credits).

bjm ID: 709571 Posts: 4
19 Jan 2016 09:32 PM

Dear CE:

Please find a way we can easily know what your "official" projects are!

see http://www.charityengine.com/forum/show-topic/1363

Mark McA ID: 179 Posts: 228
20 Jan 2016 05:09 PM

Hi Bjm,

Please see my answer on that thread. Short answer; they change all the time!

