Einstein@home project not added

Adam Radocz ID: 22746 Posts: 76
22 Jul 2016 09:47 AM

Hi Guys,

The CE doesn't attach the Einstein@home as project to my boinc, only the Rosetta, therefore I can't use my GPU for crunching.

Is there any reason for that?



Matt ID: 44 Posts: 301
22 Jul 2016 05:36 PM

Hi Adam.  We rotate projects from time to time, taking into account a number of factors.  Among other things, we throttle down in the warmer summer months as we find larger numbers of users quit if their fans need to work harder to keep temps in comfortable ranges.  (*GPUs in particular get very hot.)

Adam Radocz ID: 22746 Posts: 76
22 Jul 2016 07:52 PM

I see. Thanks.