Charity Engine is not recognizing my VirtualBox install or what?

Asif Haque ID: 2525486 Posts: 1
19 Nov 2017 11:11 AM

After noticing that CE is not working background and a notice "VB not installed", I installed the latest 5.2 VB and restarted my PC. But, still the notice "VB not installed" is showing and synchronizing with the server is giving an error "19-Nov-17 4:34:48 PM (Bangladesh Time) | Charity Engine | Message from server: VirtualBox is not installed". Even there is a task running on the Server with two projects but no task is running on my PC in the background (no CPU usage by CE which is unusual for my PC). What's the problem? Is CE not recognizing that my is VB installed or the server itself has not installed VB? The screenshots are given below:

Matt ID: 44 Posts: 301
20 Nov 2017 02:55 PM

Hi Asif.  At the moment, Charity Engine does not support VirtualBox.  Ie, the Charity Engine desktop client will not recognize it, and none of our tasks require it.  Stay tuned for more news on this topic, though...