(When you are not logged in, sometimes there is a lag of a couple minutes between when site content is updated and when it become visibles. This is because the server caches data, for efficient use of resources. When you are logged in, however, all updates should be visible immediately.)
Is a server down? I can't access "your numbers" and "List of entries here" links on News page.
Sorry, was a typographical error on the weblinks. But this has been fixed. (Servers are fine.) Can you try again?
Yes, have tried again without logging in again and still does not work.
Works now, I guess I am faster than the speed of light, works now. Thank You
(When you are not logged in, sometimes there is a lag of a couple minutes between when site content is updated and when it become visibles. This is because the server caches data, for efficient use of resources. When you are logged in, however, all updates should be visible immediately.)