ce11.exe vs Traps

SG ID: 6565266 Posts: 1
11 Nov 2019 03:39 PM


I have been running CharityEngine for a few months now without any issues. But in the last few days, my antivirus software (Traps by Palo Alto networks), is constantly flagging ce11.exe as a potential threat.

Has anyone else seen this issue ? What is the resolution ?



Mark McA ID: 179 Posts: 228
11 Nov 2019 07:14 PM

Hi SG,

Been a while since we last saw a false positive! Many thanks for letting us know, we will have a word.

In the meantime, you can disregard and whitelist the application. Nothing about the ce11 task has changed since it began over three years ago now, so no idea what PA is doing here.



Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
21 Nov 2019 10:11 PM

Just an update: Palo Alto Networks has fixed the false positive as of a few days ago, so ce11.exe should no longer be flagged as a potential threat.

Thanks again for bringing up the issue!