No Stats recorded

Ian Baker ID: 6761996 Posts: 10
07 Oct 2020 06:51 AM

I see no stats appearing for the linked work on world community grid. Does anyone know how to fix this as linked through charity engine?

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
07 Oct 2020 04:05 PM

Not all users get work from World Community Grid. If you really want to contribute there, you can manually sign up for an account at World Community Grid and then attach your Charity Engine Desktop software to it by using the Add Project button, but points earned there would not count toward the jackpot drawing here at Charity Engine. Only accounts attached automatically by Charity Engine are eligible and count toward the drawing.

Ian Baker ID: 6761996 Posts: 10
07 Oct 2020 06:10 PM

Thanks Tristan.

I did add through the add project option. Did not realise that it did not contribute. However WCG seems to make CE tasks run at idle - not a fair race!! 

How do I ensure they are getting equal run time. Do I have to cancel wcg ?


Ian Baker ID: 6761996 Posts: 10
07 Oct 2020 06:31 PM

Tried resetting projeect, but stated communication defered. Does WCG bloke CE tasks. Do I have to swet up differently to download CE tasks? All done through CE desktop.

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
07 Oct 2020 07:17 PM

No, this is all ok. One of the CE tasks runs at idle normally, as it is not a CPU intensive application. It is not being circumvented by WCG, they're just working at the same time. 

Also worth noting is that you should be getting additional project attachments within the next 24 hours, so you will have other streams of earning points for the drawing without any further action being required on your end.

Ian Baker ID: 6761996 Posts: 10
07 Oct 2020 10:07 PM

Thanks Tristan. I'm a newby to all this so your guidance is much appreciated. I'll leave it to its devices and see how it goes. You are right that new projects have arrived, however WCG tasks are getting done first, even though they are lower down in the listings. maybe because they downloaded earlier?  I have stopped new tasks from WCG so hopefully the others will get a look in. Once they have started I'll resume wcg and see if it overrides the other projects again. Seems to take priority at the moment and cannot see any settings for priority to even it up etc..

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
08 Oct 2020 05:17 PM

To set the priority for World Community Grid, you can log into your account at their website and go to Settings -> Device Manager -> Device Profiles. Then you'd most likely open the Default profile, select "Custom Profile", if necessary, and then find "Cross Project Settings" all the way down at the bottom. There is an option there called Project Weight which represents the priority of WCG versus other projects you have running. You might want to set this to 25 or even 0.

You can see this value for other projects in the Advanced View of the CE desktop software (though it is called Resource Share, there). If they are set to 25, then setting WCG to 25 means they will all be even in priority. If they are set to 0 and WCG is 25, then they will only do work when WCG doesn't have enough to keep your system busy. In that case, you'd want to set WCG to 0, also, so that it is even, and they will all take turns doing work when CE does not have CPU tasks to do (if you receive a CE task that needs CPU, it will take priority and your computer will finish up work for the other projects later).

It's a bit complicated, but hopefully that all makes sense.

Ian Baker ID: 6761996 Posts: 10
08 Oct 2020 06:02 PM

Thanks Tristan - I would not have worked that out without your pointers. I was looking for resource share options within the CE engine and there are none. 

I have adjusted WCG to 25 in line with all the other projects so hopefully an even playing field now through their website. CE states 500 but only chugs along at idle. I assume I have not been allocated any tasks and that the projects they have sent in the mean time (e.g. cosmology) will start now I have evened the field with your help. 

From the above I assume that if I want to change the resource Share on any of the projects allocated by CE I will have to log into their respective sites ?

Thanks again for your support

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
08 Oct 2020 07:03 PM

Actually, you can't change the resource share for the projects allocated by CE. That needs to be maintained centrally by Charity Engine as part of the bigger picture management of the network that determines how many resources go to different projects and tasks. This can change over time, just as the projects that are attached by CE can change.

It's good to hear that things are working out for you in getting started, and if you have further questions we'll do what we can to help!

Ian Baker ID: 6761996 Posts: 10
08 Oct 2020 08:56 PM

Thanks Tristian.

Last question for now I hope as I know you are busy, is that the dashboard toolbox is all faded out, except for my account. Now I am getting to grips with the setup process (not straightforward to newbys like me and those I will encourage to join - thanks for your guidance) I would like to add the other spare computers I have access to and kjole others to join. Will these tool box icons come online once WCG tasks finish and I have some credit with CE? Do I need new account names within CE, or can I add them to this CE account?

Thanks again


Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
09 Oct 2020 06:36 PM

Those icons in the toolbox are something that need to be fixed, actually. I'll have an update on that soon (some users have been waiting very patiently...).

Ian Baker ID: 6761996 Posts: 10
10 Oct 2020 10:02 AM


How do I best set up a new machine? I copied the .exe file from this setup to another computer and loaded the CE desktop. However my logon id and password dont work. Says unrecognised user.......

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
14 Oct 2020 03:43 PM

I would say that is the best way to do it! The email address and password that you use to log in here at the Charity Engine website should be what you use to attach your new machine, as well.

If you try again and it doesn't work, please post back right away and I'll check some logs for anything that looks like a possible problem occurring at that time.

Ian Baker ID: 6761996 Posts: 10
14 Oct 2020 04:53 PM

Hi Tristian

Got in in the end through laoding WCG desktop, which automatically linked to your CE tasks and ran them, so same 4 projects running on the other PC. Same bonic deskto[ with same projects, just says WCG at the top insrtead of CE?

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
15 Oct 2020 03:27 AM

WCG desktop and CE desktop are both installed on the same PC? If so, that might explain some unexpected behavior, as they both kind of do the same thing, as you've noticed. :)

It should be absolutely fine to use the WCG software, so long as you're attached to Charity Engine as the account manager (which seems to be the case, by your description of things).