0 Points in CharityEngine

Lisa ID: 7850084 Posts: 6
15 Jul 2022 08:42 AM

Hello, I run three projects on CharityEngine since July 5th. BOINCStats showed me at around 75k credits RAC, but CE showed me none. Yesterday I observed one CharityEngine task (CE11) reaching 100% and restarting back to 0%, no point awarded. 

I run all projects exclusively via CharityEngine client.

Matt ID: 44 Posts: 303
15 Jul 2022 01:30 PM

Hi Lisa.  After you install CE, it will automatically attach you to various projects and computing workloads - and you'll get CE credits for these.

CE11 is one such workload; so you should be getting credit for this work.  Though sometimes there's a lag between when work is done and credit is awarded.

As for your "three projects": did you join those three projects via BOINC, prior to joining CE?  Or, did you join those projects manually in the client, rather than letting the CE client manage your attachments automatically? - In either case, you won't get CE credits for such work; you only get CE credits for work dispatched by the CE system.

Lisa ID: 7850084 Posts: 6
15 Jul 2022 03:20 PM

I did not join the projects prior to joining CE, but I did join them manually in the client. I can understand not getting points from them.

However, the work on CE11 was never recorded at all. I have finished at least two runs and saw it reset back to 0, the point still at 0 even after a week.

entity ID: 7097150 Posts: 29
16 Jul 2022 02:15 AM


I also seem to be experiencing a points stuck issue. I was out of town for a couple of weeks and reduced my ouput. Upon return my output has returned to the previous levels. The new output doesn't seem to be reflected on the dashboard. I understand there is normally a lag of a few days as results need to be returned and validated before points are awarded. The new ouput has been in existence for almost 4 days now. I am seeing the increased output in the projects stats but not on the CE dashboard. 

Update: Just checked and a large group of points just showed up on the dashboard. I guess the points are unstuck.

Matt ID: 44 Posts: 303
17 Jul 2022 06:01 PM

Lisa, did your points show up (as did Entity's, per his post above)?

Lisa ID: 7850084 Posts: 6
18 Jul 2022 06:24 AM

Still 0. (It shows up as 0 too in the client). I will try removing all other attachments and running only CE11 for a while.

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
22 Jul 2022 04:56 PM

While ce11 runs persistently, it does not always have work to do. You might notice the task described as "idle" and not using any CPU. This is normal, because its function is to wait for work and execute jobs as they arrive. So while the clock is running, it isn't really doing anything if no jobs come in. This is less noticable when there are other projects earning points, but it is not uncommon, in general.

Still, there might be an uncommon network issue at play in your case. Are you using a proxy to connect to the Internet, or are you often using different wifi networks throughout the day? I'm not sure that either of those would actually cause trouble, just trying to eliminate variables. I don't see that your system has done very much ce11 work, but more than zero, yes. :)

Lisa ID: 7850084 Posts: 6
23 Jul 2022 08:19 AM

Hi, this is a screenshot from last night (at 97.xx%). The run has now been completed (now running again at 7%) and the client still hasn't shown any but 0 (AFAIK the client will show numbers even if the website hasn't caught up?). This is my home computer so it's on the same wifi network all day, no proxy either.


Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
26 Jul 2022 03:55 AM

We found the data from the work your client has done for the ce11 tasks. It is somewhat disconnected from your account, as ce11 is reporting a different identity than the client software. We're testing ways to address this, as the solution is not obvious! Thanks for reporting this issue.

Lisa ID: 7850084 Posts: 6
26 Jul 2022 04:27 AM

Hi Tristan, I want to let you know that today my client reports 20 points, so at least it's starting to count the works. Thank you for looking this up.

Matt ID: 44 Posts: 303
26 Jul 2022 08:38 PM

Lisa, we've noticed your device uses two different IP addresses.  Any idea why that would be the case? – this might help us track down your issue.

Lisa ID: 7850084 Posts: 6
27 Jul 2022 03:52 AM

That could be the day when my wifi went down and I had to tether it to my phone for a while. Otherwise, I have no idea.

Matt ID: 44 Posts: 303
09 Aug 2022 08:46 PM

The multiple IP issues seems to be persistent, so seems not due to the day your wifi went down.

You mentioned you don't use a proxy; to be clear, do you by any chance use a VPN?

Assuming not: maybe your ISP could advise if it's expected that your device would use multiple IPs concurrently?