Numberfields@home missing account key

28 Aug 2023 02:08 PM


The Numberfields@home is attached to my PC, but it says "Invalid or missing account key.  To fix, remove and add this project ."

I synced the CharityEngine, but it didn't solve the problem.

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
29 Aug 2023 07:08 PM

NumberFields is showing that the account doesn't exist, which is strange, but possible if they cleared out accounts at some point after a period of inactivity.

It might take a few steps to fix this. Start by syncing with Charity Engine again, which should recreate the NumberFields account. Then we might need to detach your client from NumberFields and reattach it so that it doesn't try to use the old account.


29 Aug 2023 07:16 PM

Looks like it works now.

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 397
29 Aug 2023 07:18 PM

Nice! If any computers are stuck using the old account, just post back and we can detach / reattach to fix it.