When I check the dashboard to see if my stats are updated, I can't always tell unless I remember something specific from before, like. I had two days of high production and a down day, so now it is up again. But if there are several days of similar production, I lose track of where each day is compared to the data in the graph.
Would it be possible to add a line saying, "Stats Updated as of "date and time"
When I check the dashboard to see if my stats are updated, I can't always tell unless I remember something specific from before, like. I had two days of high production and a down day, so now it is up again. But if there are several days of similar production, I lose track of where each day is compared to the data in the graph.
Would it be possible to add a line saying, "Stats Updated as of "date and time"
Thanks for the suggestion, Richard. That's a good idea; we'll add it to the "to-do" list :)
Hi Richard. Just a heads-up -- A "stats updated" line has been added underneath the chart on user dashboards. Thanks for the suggestion.